The Essential Plan...
Use These 11 Core Habits to Significantly Boost Your Health, Your Vitality and Start Changing Your Life!
I must warn you though, there is an unavoidable side effect if you persistently do all 11 habits...You'll Feel Wonderful 😊!
As human beings, we're designed to naturally feel good (well, most of the time at least).
I'll get onto all the good stuff in a minute (you'll love habit 11 btw 😉) but first...
There's an undeniable problem...
As I'm sure you know, we all have an internal guidance system (our emotions) that indicate how we are feeling.
Now, if most us are brutally honest, our general health, vitality and feeling of well-being, is not as good as it should be 😟.
Do you agree?
Not many people (apart from myself 😉) jump out of bed in the morning full of zest and go about their day with energy, enthusiasm and feel fantastic.
So, why is it that so many people are out of sync health/energy wise and just not feeling it?
Here's the blunt truth...
Modern living is causing havoc with our biological
make up and that's why so many people
(too often) feel like sh*t!
My apologies for the profanity, as a straight talking Yorkshireman, I just want to give it to you straight.
Now, here's the problem;
😟 Large parts of the food system is gradually poisoning our bodies
as there are some toxic substances in many every day foods!
😟 The soil is being depleted of all its good properties from harmful
pesticides, leading to a lack of nutrition in the food supply.
😟 The medical system treats symptoms instead of the cause, which
often masks the problem and leads to further issues.
😟 We live in a soup of harmful radiation from WiFi, cell towers &
smart technology, all of which affect our bodies natural systems.
😟 Our brains have become overstimulated with 24/7 media
availability, so many people nowadays, never switch off!
There's no wonder we're not feeling so great when so much of the world around us, is having such a detrimental effect on us.
It's affecting our bodies biorhythms and depleting our natural energy systems, leading to poor health and lack of vitality.
So, let's now talk about fixing this 😀
I've assembled a set of powerful actions for you which, through repetition, will turn into a set of beneficial daily habits.
Once they become fixed habits, it gets easy as you'll be programmed to automatically do them.
Not only will these habits enhance your health and well-being, you'll naturally feel good too as they're all in tune with your bodies natural state.
There are 11 habits in total ~ I'll give you a snapshot in a minute.
These 11 essential habits are designed to completely nourish your body and soul and skyrocket your general health and well-being.
(N.b. There is also an advanced plan which builds on this one and includes a further 11 habits centred more towards mental and emotional health and well-being.)
More importantly, they are designed to energise you and raise your your vibration. You'll love habit 11, it will blow your socks off 😉.
You will start to feel the benefits very quickly if you do all or most of the habits.
It's not just a quick fix though!
Although you will see the benefits very quickly, it's not a quick fix solution.
Hence its a set of habits for life (or for only as long as you want to be healthy, more energised and feel great 😉).
If you start to slack off, you run the risk of diminishing the benefits you have built up.
And with the accumulated effect over several weeks, you'll start to see huge beneficial changes in your general health and well-being.
Ok, so what makes me qualified to
provide this sort of information?
Glad you asked 😀!
I've been an energy healer for 7 years now and I'm very well versed in how energy flows around the body and get to see how modern living is causing so many issues along with related stress and anxiety.
I've also gone from having several medical issues myself (prior to 2013) with multiple medications to fixing them all (through research and changing habits) and becoming very healthy and full of energy.
Plus, over the last 5 years, I've spent 1,000 of hours researching every aspect of health and wellness that I can get my hands on.
I've bought and read countless books, I've actually added 3 more bookshelves in my house in the last few years. Amazon love me!
On top of this I've read countless published medical articles, research papers, watched YouTube videos of doctors, scientists, professors et al.
Please don't feel sorry for me as I absolutely love reading and researching 😉.
You're going to get the culmination
of all this knowledge!
To make this as easy as possible for you to adopt and put into practise very quickly, I've simply condensed all of this phenomenal information into 11 essential core habits.
I practise every single one of the 11, every single day.
With each habit, you'll get the why it is so important for your health and how to do it effectively.
You'll also get any related research study and published medical article references, if you wish to do any further research yourself.
I'll also give you links to all the books I've taken useful information from so you can get your own copy of you wish
Most importantly, you get some very simple action steps (3 on average) to ingrain each habit.
I've also thrown in a progress tracker to make it easy to keep a track of each one to help you embed it, as a fixed habit.
Lets get more specific with habits...
Here's a snapshot of each habit and a summary of the plan...
Habit 1
This one is a game-changer (most important habit!). From combating ageing, aiding weight loss, eliminating pains/allergies, becoming more energised and focused, this habit is essential to good health and vitality (hence its number 1)
Habit 2
This one is a gift from nature. Utilising an unlimited source of healing energy to nourish your body and boost your immune system. Plugging into this free healing energy is very simple indeed, I've been doing this daily for over 7 years.
Habit 3
This one is weight loss/management heaven. Once you understand how your bodies natural systems function best, you can work with them to aid weight loss/management and boost your immune system and general health. This offers multiple benefits!
Habit 4
This one is the gateway to relaxation. You unconsciously do this one already but when you put your focus on it and do it consciously, the stresses and strains of every day life will just melt away😊. Multiple health benefits and feeling good are natural side effects.
Habit 5
This one is about completely recharging your body daily. This is the bedrock of good health and vitality that modern day life has played havoc with for a lot of people. This one is about the quality that will positively affect every area of your life.
Habit 6
This one will make you feel great 😊. This one is easy, very natural and offers multiple health benefits from stimulating your immune system, effortlessly toning your muscles to filling your blood stream with endorphins.
Habit 7
This one is paramount to your digestive health. Many ailments & diseases start here when this is neglected. Your outer appearance is simply a reflection of what is going on inside you and this one will give you a solid foundation in terms of health, vitality and well-being.
Habit 8
This one will give you plenty of lovely endorphins. From boosting your energy levels, making you feel positive about yourself to burning a few calories, this one has a multitude of health and well-being benefits for minimal effort.
Habit 9
This one is a little bit of nirvana for you. It works very in conjunction with habit 6 and will do absolute wonders for your physical, mental and emotional well-being. I've included some audio bonus's so you can completely lose yourself in a beautiful way.
Habit 10
This one will put you in a beautiful vibration. This simple but very powerful habit will naturally put you into a lovely vibration and attract more good experiences into your life. The people around you will start to notice a positive difference in your energy.
Habit 11
I saved the best until last...this one is the elixir of the gods 😀!!
This one is the most uplifting, exhilarating and energising habit you could possibly do! This is about connecting on the deepest level. It will make you smile and put a twinkle in your eye when you do it 😉.
Habit 12
I call this one the 'magical weight management device.' If you think it would beneficial to you, this one is simply using a device (costs under £10) that nobody notices, that acts as a waistline regulator to stop (it warns you immediately) you putting weight on.
What You Will Receive with The Essential Plan
✔ 57 Page Workbook (pdf version)
✔ 12 Instructional Videos
✔ 2 Additional Guidance Videos (Habit 9)
✔ Habit Action Steps Summary
✔ Habit Progress Tracker
There's more...lets throw in some bonus's
Bonus No 1. A Personal Call (1 hour) With Me
I want to make sure you get the most out of the essential plan by tailoring it to your specific requirements (e.g. weight loss, more energy, less stress, better sleep etc). We'll schedule a call at your
convenience so I can personally advise/guide you to help you get the maximum benefit from the plan (value £65.00).
Bonus No 2. A Personalised Numerology Report
Find out what your name & date of birth reveals about YOU! Discover
unique strengths, hidden talents and why you're here (soul urge) and gain a new insight into who you really are. As a numerologist, this information will also help me to tailor your plan, as it will gives me a better understanding of you and what makes you tick (value £14.95).
Your investment to access it all...
£111.00 gives you instant access to the whole essential plan materials and the prosperity bonus (the personal call & numerology report need to be arranged).
They say you can't put a price on your health!
To put it in context, £111.00 is around 40 latte's or £1.69 per day for the next 66 days. The reason I say 66 days (as you'll see in the plan) is that this is the scientifically proven amount of time it takes to deeply ingrain a habit.
Are you worth £1.69 per day for the next 66 days to supercharge your health and wellbeing to different level?
And of course, you also have this information to use for a lifetime (and to pass on to your family when they notice the positive changes in you 😊).
The ball's now in your court!
They say the best time to do anything is 5 years ago (we all have those good intentions where life just got in the way 😊)....
and the second best time is NOW!
If you feel this information will have a significant benefit to your health and well-being, just hit the buy now button and it's all yours to go through at your own leisure.
Finally...whatever you choose to do, I would like wish you the very best of for health and happiness.
With love & blessings
Stephen Kirkbride