Simple Weight Management Programme Index
Welcome to the simple weight management programme. Thank You for taking the time to consider this powerful information.
Please bookmark this page as this is your gateway and index to all the Simple Weight Management Programme information and resources. We highly recommend you go through all sections in numerical sequence for maximum benefit.
We sincerely hope you get lots of value and adopt all the principles, habits & behaviours to significantly enhance your health, wellbeing and happiness.
Warmest wishes
Stephen & David

Programme Contents
Simple Weight Management Programme Guidebook (pdf).
Just click here for immediate access to the 84 page programme guidebook which has everything you need.
Main Programme Videos/Resources
Just click the section title links below to access the individual section pages for each of the 12 sections. Within each page, you'll find an individual section video and associated links to recommended books/websites & useful resources.
Section 1 ~ It's just a process (that your body will love 😊)
“LET’S GET ONE THING STRAIGHT… there are no magic pills, potions, secret ingredients or wonder foods that will magically make you and keep you slim forever, unfortunately .”
Section 2 ~ Your hidden enemies (in the food chain)!
“The sad truth is… the food industry wants you addicted to unhealthy foods that make you fat and are using the latest research into neuroscience and human behaviour to covertly manipulate you… REMEMBER THIS!”
Section 3 ~ The 'crazy' psychology of diets!
“NEVER GO ON A DIET AGAIN… they are not about actions, they’re about thoughts (usually obsessive thoughts) which are emotional triggers to make you want to eat… they’re actually a mild form of psychological torture!”
Section 4 ~ Understanding how your mind & body interact
“The battle over eating isn’t between your willpower and the chocolate cake; it’s between your brain chemicals… WORKING WITH THEM IS THE KEY !”
Section 5 ~ How different foods affect you
“Eating ‘GOOD FOR YOU’ foods (naturally in tune with your body and digestive system) make weight management easier because they satisfy you and reduce gorging, whilst processed foods add to your waistline as they make you hungry!”
Section 6 ~ The dangers of emotional eating
“Studies show that people with high levels of negative emotions (stress, anxiety, depression etc) from underlying issues are more likely to have weight problems by using food to self-medicate…ITS IMPORTANT YOU DEAL WITH ANY UNDERLYING ISSUES!”
Section 7 ~ The multiple benefits of exercise (non-negotiable 😉)
“Exercising regularly will… stimulate fat loss, strengthen your immune system, build more muscle mass, boost your metabolism, reduce the stress in your life, increase your self-esteem, enhance your mood/libido and increase the chance of more sex… THAT’S ABOUT IT THOUGH! ”
Section 8 ~ The Magical Waistline Regulator (Simply Genius 😊)
“This magical waistline regulating device (costs around £10) used with a bit of common-sense eating, is all you’ll ever need to control your weight…THEY DON’T LIE!”
Section 9 ~ Reprogramming Your Mind & Body (11 Success Principles)
“We’re going to reprogramme your thoughts, behaviours and actions around food and exercise to develop a new healthy routine that will help you create and maintain the body you want for the rest of your life… JUST FOLLOW IT ”
Section 10 ~ Your New Routine - 15 Core Behaviours
“Your goal isn’t to be perfect… just healthy, satisfied and feeling good about yourself with a consistent eating routine that your body loves… THAT’S IT !”
Section 11 ~ Weight Loss Routine (Short Term Only - If Required)
“EAT YOUR WAY TO WEIGHT LOSS… here’s a natural way (short term only) to burn more fat and increase your vitality whilst still eating plenty and feeling full”
Section 12 ~ Rebooting Your Body - Action Plan
“You’re going to build the foundations and create the environment to start your journey moving towards your optimal weight and a lifetime of natural holistic weight management and vibrant health… THE BALLS IN YOUR COURT ”
Programme Summary Videos & Resources
Here's a video summary of all the programme benefits, programme success guides & resources click here