Essential Habits Programme Index
Welcome to the essential habits programme. Thank You for taking the time to consider this powerful information.
Please bookmark this page as this is your gateway and index to all the Vibrant Health Essential Programme information and resources. We recommend adopting all the habits for maximum benefit, but you may just want to cherry pick the ones that resonate the most, so help yourself to whatever works for you.
We sincerely hope you get lots of value and adopt many of the habits to significantly enhance your health, wellbeing and happiness.
Warmest wishes
Stephen & David
Programme Contents
Essential Programme Guidebook (pdf)
Just click this link for immediate access to the 77 page guidebook which has everything you need
1. To just access the full set (all 11 habits) of recommended action steps and progress tracker only, click here.
2. To just access just the 2 programme base model images & explanations, click here
3. To just access the visual aids, wisdom, click here
Base Models 1 & 2 Explanation Video Start Here
The essential habits programme is built on 2 base models, this video link above takes you through them.
11 Essential Habit Videos/Resources
Just click the habit title links below to access the individual habit pages for each of the 11 habits. Within each page, you'll find an individual habit video and associated links to recommended books/websites & useful resources.
“All the habits will boost your health and vitality in a very positive way, However, this one is the most important, hence why its number 1."
“Tesla proved over a hundred years ago that the earth holds an unlimited supply of natural energy, here’s how to tap into it to boost your health and vitality."
Habit 3 ~ Intermittent Fasting
“A little discipline with regards to your daily eating window (time between your first and last meal), will produce a fantastic set of health benefits."
“You can go 3 weeks without food, you can go 3 days without water but if you go 3 minutes without breathing, you’re in TROUBLE!"
“You spend around 30% of your life asleep to recharge your body and the quality of your sleep has a profound effect on how you go through life!"
“Laughter is the best medicine!"
“All disease begins in the gut!” - Hippocrates
Habit 8 ~ Regular (Basic) Exercise
“Walking is the best possible exercise. Exercise equals endorphins. Endorphins make you happy"
“You should meditate for 20 minutes every day unless you don’t have time, in which case you should do it for an hour!” - Zen master saying.
“Rule of thumb ~ If you can grow it or kill it, consider it is in tune with your body!"
“The orgasm is a doorway to the divine, it gives the experiencer a momentary glimpse of self-realisation."
Essential Programme Summary
Here's a recap of all the benefits you'll get from doing all the 11 essential habits click here